Over Sickness and into Action

The new feeling of a new month always excites me, but also unsettles me. I dislike to think of time moving so fast forward, but am always excited to set up for a positive and productive new month ahead!

Weekly Chase Goals

I’ve set a habit of re-writing my top ten 2016 goals every week. I do this without looking at the previous week’s goals in order to keep my current priorities and ambitions in mind. At first I had a few differences in one or two goals from week to week, but lately I have found them to remain consistent. Perhaps I have finally found my golden ticket to success: living the life I envision through accomplishing the goals I set.

  1. Pay off my student loans of $7K by June
  2. Develop a routine/schedule/budget  to enjoy life more
  3. Live clutter-free by decluttering/cleaning 2x a month
  4. Build my running endurance & speed to a30 minute/< 5k time
  5. Build strength and complete a full push-up and pull-up by 2017
  6. Grow my blog by blogging 3x a week & visiting 2 bloggers daily
  7. Pursue a career in fitness by helping 3 people a month reach their goals
  8. Develop healthy eating habits w/weeklymeal prepping and planning
  9. Create balance w/ daily mediation, weekly yoga/pilates practice
  10. Learn new skills starting with practicing Spanish daily

Weekly Wrap

This past week was quite rough for me. I had been in a slump in motivation for awhile and had finally climbed myself out at the start of the week. I was excitedly ready to take on the 3 Day Refresh for the first time. I had my meal plan ready, with fresh groceries in the fridge. Day one went well until the first night, I found myself consumed by the flu bug that had been going around at my office. Sadly I found myself without an appetite and stomach pains. The next few days was filled with nausea, fevers, coughing, and headaches.

I had planned on a few light exercises like yoga or stretching but found myself bundled up on the couch with water. I had hoped to be 100% by the start of the new week, but am still feeling quite feverish and lightheaded most of the time still. Being sick is definitely no fun.

My plans for this week were to begin the start of the 21 Day Fix program, something I’m still hoping to do. As well as restart my 5k training program after being set back in runs because of being ill. Definitely hoping for a more active week ahead!

Have you been affected by the flu this season?

What are some actions you take to getting over sickness faster?

Link Ups: Weekly Chase via Road Runner Girl and Weekly Wrap via MissSippiPiddlin

12 thoughts on “Over Sickness and into Action

  1. I definitely need a routine to stay on top of my goals, too! I studied really hard for a test last week and was bummed because I only got a 79 :/ i was never a good test taker, memorization is hard for me- so i will just have to use it to motivate myself instead of let me down… I started de cluttering, too! Yesterday i got rid of 3 bags of clothes to donate and it feels so great.


    • Yes it just brings you down in so many ways! hope you are able to prevent it from taking you hostage into the covers! Because that is where I feel I spent most of my days trying to recover! I was like oh I can be so productive at home sick, and ended up just sleeping most of the time. lol


  2. I hate to hear you have the flu! But it’s great you can always restart your goals whenever you need to! My healthy eating has been in a slump and that is something I need to work on. I usually drink extra fluids and take extra vitamin C when I don’t feel well. Here’s to a better week. Thanks for linking with us Caroline.


  3. I wish you all the best with your goals and hope you are feeling better. So far, knock on wood, I haven’t gotten the flu this year. I also managed to escape it last year.


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