A Bountiful of Decisions: Gratitude & Sacrifice


It’s true the holidays are often bountiful in the aspect of giving generously and realizing all the things (family, friends, life, etc) to be thankful for. I’ve never been too big a fan of Thanksgiving though. We never really made a big deal of it as a family and since becoming vegetarian and not really being a whiz in the kitchen to create delicious veggie alternatives I haven’t really found joy in the holiday.

Recently I’ve adopted the habit of gratitude and practice giving thanks for all that I have daily. Something I feel many people need to do more of. Of course I still have my dreams and desires, but rather than focusing on what I don’t have, I have started appreciating what I do have and working on a plan to achieve a bountiful life I envision for myself.

In my idea of bountiful I consider an abundance of life. Not just in years but in experiences, love, and freedom. Financial freedom specifically, as sadly much of our society runs on money which we often don’t have a bountiful quantity of. I don’t mean to but a dent in the cozy feeling of the holidays! There is plenty to be thankful for! But often I feel as though people overlook all they have because of the pressure of society and finances. Not having nice clothes, cool cars, a decent home, etc.

Most of these thoughts are a result of the most recent book I’ve picked up from the library and have been reading almost non-stop. There is something so riveting in reading personal development books! But that’s for another post! For now just know that I’ve been reading Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover and it’s really opened my eyes, mind, and heart!

This book (and the season!) has made me realize that one thing America has bountiful of is debt! Much of the season will be family and gratitude, but another aspect of the season has grown to sales (Black Friday and then Cyber Monday) and has often been about gifts. The act of giving is sweet, and I’ve always liked it, but we often buy people things just because we feel we have to, at least I have. Many people end up with gifts they don’t really care for, but since their gifts they end up keeping them (and a bountiful of clutter is created!) Much of my mind frame has changed over the past few weeks about the holidays, because of my clutter free challenge and personal development reading.

I don’t know about you but I actually enjoy shopping at times and during the holidays I am quite tempted by the bountiful of sales for both gifts for others and myself. However, this holiday season I won’t be swiping my plastic credit cards, which is a much reason for the bountiful of debt many have. Despite the many items I had my eye on, I’m skipping the sales because most of the items were wants and luxuries. I don’t really need those adorable cute workout clothes because the truth is I really already have so many!

I want my life to be bountiful in all things positive and free. I’ll be spending my Thanksgiving morning running the Tofurky Trot 5k as well as the Virtual Gratitude 5k. I’ll be spending the evening with my boyfriend and his family as I have done the past few years. Then rather than spending the early morning of Friday sifting through sales magazines, I’ll most likely be enjoying a bountiful of sleep in warm, cozy blankets. I’m not sure what the rest of the day will entail, but I know as of the decision now shopping will not be bountiful.

I mentioned I’m running two 5ks tomorrow! One is a physical, real event and the other is a virtual one. Why not lace up your shoes and join me for the Virtual Gratitude 5k. Simply visit Have My Cake or Eat to Save Your Life and print out the bib! Mine is below!



Today’s post was inspired by Deb Runs Wednesday Word: Bountiful

6 thoughts on “A Bountiful of Decisions: Gratitude & Sacrifice

  1. Fun! I also have a Virtual 5 Miler to do this week. Tomorrow I will go watch my grandson run 1 mile in the Turkey Trot. I think that is awesome that you found a Tofurkey Trot!! For the past couple of years, I have been thinking sort of along the same lines you speak of here. I would love to just keep the family fun of the holidays going but replace much of the shopping with meaningful activities. The days leading up to Christmas can be really stressful. I just want to do run in the nice cool weather, go to cookie parties and such and hangout! I hope that you have a very wonderful day tomorrow and spend it just the way you like.


  2. Last year, I tried to make personalized gifts. It’s way harder but more meaningful. I didn’t finish in time so I caved and bought a lot of stuff but I’ll keep trying every year to do more making and less buying gifts.


  3. Thanksgiving has always been my husband’s and my favorite holiday. I love the family aspect of it, but without the craziness of the commercial gift-giving aspect. Since I’m not a fan of turkey and side dishes, I always serve a huge salad for those interested. Yes, I make a turkey and the typical side dishes and love making them for my family who find those types of food delicious, but I make the salad so I have a favorite food. Also, I refuse to go to the mall for Black Friday shopping.

    Thanks for linking up!


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