My Fitness Journey – Still Here, Going Strong!

Where did the time go!? It is already Week 6 of the Tone It Up Charity Challenge! I know I haven’t posted in regards to my last two weeks, and this is not because I have given up! This girl is here to stay for sure! I have just been quite busy and preoccupied trying to organize many other aspects of my life. Here I am now though at the start of Week 6, getting in those workouts and doing things right again.

The last two weeks were wobbly for sure. I missed a day here or there and chose shorter, smaller workouts over the longer more intense ones. I hurt my ankle and had to take longer breaks between runs when I finally got back into it. I didn’t eat as clean as I should have, but still tried to stick to healthy snacking and my daily dose of Shakeology.

The past two weeks weren’t perfect, but I didn’t expect them to be. They weren’t me putting my best efforts forward, but they also weren’t me giving up effort completely. I may have faltered in my progress of creating better and healthy habits, but the important thing is that I haven’t failed.

Sunday Runday was my wake up call. Literally, as I rustled myself out of bed for the Surf City 5k in Huntington Beach.  A race I agreed to do with my aunt, who is an avid runner now. I’ll be posting about my experience in a later post, but for now I just want to express that this run really left me breathless and SORE! I was feeling the soreness during the race, something that I don’t believe I have had before. After I finished I was sore, and the next day I was immensely sore. I was aching from one part of my leg muscles to the next. I was proud I made it through but I will admit I was a little glum about my results. This really opened my eyes to the fact that I need to amp up my efforts and really adopt the consistency I need in my routine to get the results I envision for myself.

So despite being sore on Monday, I got to moving! Not only was I determined to get an active workout routine in, I was also productive in other areas of my life. I began the day with an interview (something I haven’t done in awhile!). I moved on to emptying out my storage unit, which is far from being a small thing. I sifted through some boxes and threw away some things.

I had planned to do the Tone It Up weekly schedule workouts completely this week. I gave one look at Monday’s workouts which were Fit For Fall HIT and Spankin’ Booty, and knew I was going to have to make some adjustments. I just could not muster up the strength to surpass my soreness and make it through sprints and the other craziness that was written out for the Fit For Fall HIT routine. Instead I chose to do the 7 minute HIT routine, which I really enjoyed! Despite being short, it was still a great sweat session!

I’m so glad I pushed past my aching muscles, and got in my workout. There are only two week’s left of the charity challenge, and I definitely want to keep putting vibrancy in every day and movement to that final stride to the finish!

A few other things I have been focusing on lately have been blogging, organizing, de-cluttering, and goal setting. I have been learning the importance of creating goals and staying accountable on a weekly if not daily basis. One of the cool things I recently learned about blogging is link-ups! One in particular caught my eye as it aligned with some of the new habits I am trying to adopt, and that would be the Weekly Chase.

I found this great link-up from Road Runner Girl and knew it was something I wanted to include in my weekly blogging! Basically every week I will be posting up a goal or more about what I want to accomplish for the week. The following week I will review these goals, share my progress, and make adjustments for the new week before me!

The Weekly Chase: My Goals for 10/27 – 11/1

  1. Fitness: As I mentioned before, I would really like to incorporate all the Tone It Up workout routines this week for the Charity Challenge. So everyday should be an active day!
  2. Blogging: Lately I have been learning more of the blogging lingo and have started to network with other bloggers. I am hoping to visit five new blogs daily!
  3. De-cluttering: Clearing out my storage is a week long if not longer adventure in its own! I am hoping to dwindle down my belongings and stick to just a handful of boxes to keep. To start off I am going to attempt on focusing on organizing the items that can be stored away for future use.
  4. Personal Development: Recently I started to read Personal Development books, and it has really had a positive impact on me! I want to keep expanding my knowledge and radiate positivity in life by continuously reading positive material. I am hoping to get in at least ten pages a day of reading.
  5. Health: There are so many healthy habits I need to work on adopting! I would first like to start off with staying hydrated and making sure to get an adequate amount of water daily! The recommendation is half your bodyweight in ounces, so I am aiming for at least 60 ounces a day!
  6. Business: As the year comes to an end, I feel its time to get serious and start using my degree to pursue a full-time opportunity. So this week I want to focus on applying to at least two positions a day.

Road Runner Girl

What are some of your goals for the last week of October?

8 thoughts on “My Fitness Journey – Still Here, Going Strong!

  1. Linkups are great , a friend is doing shoutouts every monday.
    I want to do that too but im New into that, so first need to have more Bloggs to share.

    My goals are staying healthy and keep fingercrossing that everything will go good 🙂

    Greetings from germany


  2. Those are fantastic goals for this week! I especially love the one about de-cluttering – it’s something I should really add to my list of goals. Stuff always seems to accumulate in my apartment – clothing, shoes, magazines, etc. Instead of spring cleaning, I need to do some fall cleaning! 🙂


  3. Great goals.
    When you get to the Marie Alonso book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. She recommends that when you sort, you keep the things that bring you joy and that are useful – if you don’t need it now, don’t spend time and energy organizing them to store, don’t spend $ on storage boxes and give up valuable space to store things you probably won’t need in the future. It’s a really great book and I hopeyou check it out. It’s really short too and easy to read. I didn’t implement all her strategies yet but o used the method to clean up some drawers and found it revolutionary. 😀


    • Sounds like a book I need to read! I have so many things that have sentimental value for me! Some things I would like to keep for future use, like cute kids clothes or toys but I am definitely being more critical in which items I keep. Someone gave me some great advice the other day in trying to sort this stuff! They said that “Definitely not bad to hold on to some, but hold on to the ones that make you break into a grin when you pick them up, not all of them… and hold on to them for YOU, not for your kids.” So that if my kids didn’t want the stuff or disliked it I wouldn’t be sad because I’d keep it for me. I was going to buy new bins and decided not to because I felt it would cause me to keep more stuff than I would naturally!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. And… AWESOME SAUCE to you for keeping up with the Tone It Up Challenge for 6 weeks. No one expects you to be perfect. Just do your best, Caroline. Be consistent. And enjoy the process as you become your best self.
    I’m following you now!


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