Charity Challenge Week 3 Recap

Here we are at the start of Week 4! I cannot believe that I am actually reaching the half way point of a Tone It Up fitness challenge. I am beyond proud of myself, and if you are right there with me, you should be too! Even if you aren’t with me and you gave up or continue to stumble with keeping yourself on track, DO NOT be discouraged or talk yourself down further! Trust me I know exactly how you might feel because I was there once too. About four times there! I struggled continuously trying to start a challenge but continued to give up having the mind frame that I needed to stick to the exact ramifications set out in front of me and if I veered off even a little I was a failure. I’d fail, give up, and just wait around for the next challenge hoping to do better. This is a big no no though because that is not the mindset that will take you to your desires, goals, or dreams.

The truth is no matter what journey you might pursue whether fitness, business, or personal they are all rocky paths! The key is to make it your own. You can always make the choice to get up and shake it off. There is no “Let me wait for Monday to start,” or “The start of the next challenge will be better.” This is only you postponing the amazing progress you could be making NOW. I can’t imagine where I would be in my fitness progress now if I hadn’t allowed myself to be brought down by my own thoughts. If you want to make a change in your health and fitness habits, MAKE THAT CHANGE!

Join me today, right now and commit to start making healthier choices. Whether you want to join the Charity Challenge this week, start over at week 1, or begin another fitness program. Nike would say, “Just Do It,” and I agree! Do not feel intimidated, lost, or alone on your journey just because you aren’t in the exact same spot as everyone else. You are not alone, because no matter where you are in your fitness journey there will be people cheering you on and there to help you, like me! 😀 Stay motivated and make it a great day, week, and life!

I started writing in my journal on a daily basis to share my experiences and thoughts more authentically, rather than just doing a general recap of at the end of the week. Hope you enjoy!

Week 3 Charity Challenge Progress

Monday 10/5

Success to making my 5a.m. morning workouts? Sleeping early the day before! Something I totally failed to do the Sunday before Week 3. I was quite surprised with myself though because even though I didn’t muster myself up out of bed early enough I immediately said to myself, “It’s okay. You’re body is tired. Rest now and do a full workout tonight.” Then I got up a little later with a smile and positive vibes around me. I made my Shakeology, grabbed my lunch bag filled with healthy meals and set off for a productive day! This was a first for me, as whenever I use to wake up late and miss a morning workout it would totally taint my day and feelings towards my ability to continue a program. Now, however, I am able to remain positive and keep to my goals by allowing myself to make up for them instead of giving up completely.

Meals for the Day: Shakeology, Orange, Quinoa + Black Beans + Tempeh, Trail Mix

Workouts: Holiday Cocktail Arm Routine, 5 minute Abs (A new favorite!)

Tuesday 10/6

Today’s victory was me doing Set the Bar a second time and recording my week’s progress! Set the Bar is Tone It Up’s fitness assessment routine. In this Beach Babe 2 DVD routine you measure your heart rates and then complete five moves for a minute each. One of the main reasons I was so happy doing this again was because I actually have never done a fitness assessment a second time to record my progress because I usually give up within the first week or so and never get back to it again.


My completion of Set the Bar a second time was a HUGE accomplishment for me and I must say it made me very proud of myself! Seems my positive mentality building technique is really keeping me strong! The second reason I am so happy is because I actually improved! Even if I only did one extra repetition, ever small step will be celebrated because no matter how small my progress may seem it is keeping me on track and moving me forward to my end goal. Remember that in your own fitness journey!

Meals for the Day: Banana + Soymilk, Trail Mix, Black Bean + Quinoa +Tempeh w/ Tortilla, Banana, Shakeology

Workout: Set the Bar

Wednesday 10/7

It’s HUMP DAY! Which means hump day love with booty workouts! 12167475_989110201112134_1577477885_nA feature I am having on my blog every Wednesday! This week was a triple threat TIU day. However, I was feeling super nauseated towards the end of the day. Luckily I got out of my run slump in the morning with a run in my gym’s indoor track. I was a little winded from the run but got in almost two miles. At night I decided to push through my odd feeling in hopes to sweat it out! I took some time to complete the moves and started with the routines that required the least amount of movement to not upset myself further. In the end I completed two of the three routines and decided to save the last more active one for the next day. So Cardio Booty was postponed because my stomach was not up for the great movement of squat jacks and plyo lunges!

Meals for the Day: Peanut Butter Toast w/ Banana + Chia Seeds, Quinoa + Black Bean + Tempeh w/ Avocado + Tortilla, Refried Beans w/ Avocado + Cheese + 2 Tortillas

Workout: C25K 1.89 miles, Malibooty, Bikini Inner and Outer Thighs

Thursday 10/8

Today this girl’s thighs and glutes were sore! Particularly my inner thighs were on fire! Although soreness doesn’t necessarily signify muscle growth I at least feel more satisfied by a workout when I have some soreness. I feel that workout that leaves me sore makes me feel like I really put forward effort into my routine. Soreness was always one of the things that caused me to fall off track with a stable workout routine. I would dread the feeling of soreness and convince myself I deserved a rest day which turned to days of doing nothing active! Not this time! Luckily the soreness wasn’t unbearable and I got to complete the third routine of the triple threat booty challenge with the Cardio Booty Routine. Plus Kettletoning which DEFINITELY wiped me out! It was a challenge to keep up with Katrina but despite having to take extra breaks and complete lesser reps I made it through to the end of the workout. I admit I wanted to give up, but I pulled myself together and did what I could. UNIT NEXT TIME Katrina! I will be stronger and one day keep up with you!

Meals for the Day: Kashi Cereal w/ Soymilk, Orange, Pasta w/ Tomato Sauce, Pasta w/ Cannellini Beans

Workouts: Cardio Booty, KettleToning, C25K 1.41 miles

Friday 10/9

Friday I think the h12164466_989110241112130_204279227_oeat really got to me! I was feeling super sluggish and warm. I didn’t have much of an appetite most of the morning but made sure to drink plenty of water. Luckily I did not call it quits! Especially because my boyfriend texted me in the morning if we could go to the gym which got me super ecstatic. OF COURSE was my reply! It has been awhile since my boyfriend got a workout in, due mostly to him going back to school. Morning meals were good but I did splurge on some Treat Meals (no longer called cheat! Love this term which I got from my own coach!) The day was getting out of our hands and we almost skipped our workout but luckily this girl is now super dedicated to staying on track and keeping active. So we decided on him going out for a run as I stayed behind and used my dumbbells at home to work on my arms and bas. Which was rough because the only weights I have are either too light (2.5lbs) or too heavy still (10lbs). I toughed it out though and did drop sets, using the heavier ones as long as I could and then decreasing them to the lighter. Bent Over Flyes were the toughest for sure!

Meals for the Day: Shakeology, Almond Butter w/ Strawberries on Ezekiel Bread, In n Out Grilled Cheese w/ some fries, Pasta w/ Soyrizo Beans on a Tostada

Workout: Bikini Abs, Frisky Fall Abs and Arms

Saturday 10/10

I know the week can get exhausting! By the time the weekend comes you just want to super loaf at home, treat yourself with some sugary and salty foods, and have fun nights out with a drink…or two. It can be so tempting to skip a workout especially if you are feeling super sore from the week’s workouts. This is something I almost always did before. I would be sore come Friday and end up taking the weekend off. Unfortunately my days off would go over into the week too and I would start off on the wrong foot and be totally off balance. In order to prevent this from happening this time around I have been stretching more after workouts to keep my muscles from getting too tight. I am also taking only active rest days now rather than completely doing nothing active. This means I either do a stretching routine, yoga, or foam roll. This also helps mend my aching muscles! Definitely make a promise to yourself to be a Weekend Warrior and make your weekend count! After all the weekends add up to half your month!

Meals of the Day: Chilaquiles + Hash browns w/ Ezekiel Toast, Trail Mix, Beach Cheese Rice Burrito, Carrots, Cookies and Cream Ice Scream Scoop

Workout: Total Body Toner, C25K

Sunday 10/11

Wow another week has come and gone! The heat is seriously getting intense here. Like 90-100 degrees heat which I am definitely not use to on a daily basis. I had wanted to try for an outdoor run today, but decided to keep it indoors after checking the temperature outside. I ran on the treadmill and followed it with some much needed yoga! I did the Sunday Flow from the TIU Fall For Yoga Challenge I found by @Ashyogashine as well as the Love Your Body with Yoga routine. I really enjoyed the Love Your Body w/ Yoga video because usually yoga videos can be real hard for me since I’m not really in the know with all the poses and moves. Karena does a great job in this video instructing that even in downward dog I knew what to do next without having to break form in order to check the video. It was a productive day overall. I got my workout done, cleaned up my stuff a bit, and even did laundry! Then I spent the rest of the day with my boyfriend and football relaxing.

Meals for the Day: Kashi Cereal, Cannellini Beans + Pasta, Shakeology, Chocolate Silk Soy Milk, 2 slices of Cheese Stuffed Pizza Hut (Hey it is football Sunday!) + a handful of Ruffles (wow only a handful that’s amazing!)

Workouts: C25K 1.7 miles, Love Your Body w/ Yoga, Sunday Flow

Even if I did treat myself more than once this week I felt so much more in control and aware of my eating. I kept to healthy snacking, avoid late night eating, and was able to refrain from overeating like I normally do. This week was by far one of the most successful week’s workouts wise, as I kept to my pact with myself to do at minimum 20 minutes of exercise a day. Every day was a fit day!


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