Halloween is officially TWO WEEKS AWAY! 

In case you didn’t know, I am a big Halloween fan! I am super excited and hoping for some great Halloween decorated houses and fun, creative costumes this year!

I don’t always get to do anything super fun or exciting for Halloween. In past years my boyfriend and I usually don’t have any big plans for Halloween. We’ve stayed indoors some years, gone to a party another, last year was the best though! We threw on some costumes his mom was saving away in the garage and headed out to trick or treat! I was a pumpkin! He was a ghoul. Not the best costumes but we were greeted at every door with candy nonetheless. I was super happy no one gave us any problems for being older and not walking around with a child. It might not seem like something very exciting for a 21 year old to be doing on a Holiday that people like to dress up all flirty and be at bumping parties! Yet, being outdoors at night with my bag filling with candy was AWESOME to me! We actually found a pretty lively neighborhood that brought me back to my days as a kid. Even the unexpected rain did not stop me from walking house to house enjoying the decorations and costumes of others. I was happy.

This year my boyfriend’s little cousin wants her parents to throw her a Halloween party versus a birthday party. Even though its a kids party you might have guessed by now that yes! I am excited for this too! They always have such fun parties filled with games, great food, desserts, and adorable decorations! Growing up I really only had one birthday party the rest of my birthdays were mostly just cake and Happy Birthdays. Not this family though! They have birthday parties for each child every year, and its always a big themed event! So the fact that this year they are doing a Halloween party has me excited. Plus, we are even going around the neighborhood together for some trick or treating!

Another reason I am pretty excited is because my boyfriend even suggested we dress up together, as something scary! I’m a little worried about scaring the kids, but I’ve always wanted to dress up like something creepy! He already ordered part of our costume (to be revealed at a later date!) It isn’t anything TOO creative, but I never pre-plan costumes really so this is something exciting to me!

In honor of the coming of Halloween I know many television channels like to host Halloween movie marathons. Which I love! Unfortunately making a specific time for a specific movie isn’t always the most ideal situation. So instead, I decided to have my own Halloween Marathon in the coming days! I plan on requesting some movies from the library if they aren’t already on Netflix. I would LOVE some suggestions from you all!

Share what movies have really put the fear in you in the past, or are raved about as excellent horror/thriller films!

16 thoughts on “My PLANS 4 HALLOWEEN

  1. Oh how fun! I think it would be awesome to trick or treat as an adult:)
    Some years I host a Halloween party for my nieces and nephews, I am not sure I will have the time this year. But I hope you have fun at your cousins Halloween party!
    You’ll have to post pics of the couples costume you guys decide to go with, so fun!
    Each year I like to watch Watcher in the Woods, I know it’s old school Disney, but it’s a Halloween tradition, well that and the famous Hocus Pocus:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Traditions are always fun! I don’t have very many but whenever I do even for awhile I hold them so close to my heart. There is just something so loving and cherishing about always making time to share special moments with loved ones.


  2. How fun 🙂 we always order pizza and watch the nightmare before Christmas on Halloween – it’s our family tradition and keeps us entertained while we wait for trick-or-treaters!


  3. I’m a big fan of Hocus Pocus for my favorite halloween movie 🙂 Also, I definitely went trick or treating until I was 21 years old. I felt like after that I was too old to go, but just had a baby this year so I cannot wait to start it up again with him! 🙂


    • I’ve never seen Hocus Pocus but a handful of people have mentioned it 😛
      I’m 22 now! Haha. Halloween trick or treating is one of the things I am going to be excited for again when I have little ones!


      • Halloween is so awesome. Since I have a small child I can still get away with trick or treating. Of course all the candy goes to me haha.

        Best horror movies I have watched are:
        The conjuring
        Insidious 1,2& 3
        I love classics like Nightmare on elm st. ( the first one with the young and hunky Johnny Depp)
        Child’s Play

        P.S. You should definitely hop on the Hocus Pocus train that movie along with The Nightmare before Christmas with my childhood. ha

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh my goodness! I had no idea what child’s play was at first until I saw the title on the tv guide and thought of your comment and decided I’d stay tuned. And yikes! Chuckie! I use to be soooooo afraid of him when I was little just by the doll alone! Definitely will be an interesting night!

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Child’s Play movies use to be so scary back in the day and as they made more movies it started getting comical. They’re still classics. I hope your night turned out alright. ☺️

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  4. Halloween is one of the only holidays I don’t really get into. :/ I’m not sure why, maybe because here it is always so cold that it doesn’t matter what your costume is because you have 10 layers of clothes on top of it. Or that my oldest never likes to dress up, and my husband doesn’t get into it. My youngest has her birthday around Halloween though and loves to dress up and have unique costumes usually but last year finally went as princess (since she has the same name as one). Also a little funny that I am always in charge of the class Halloween parties so I have to get into it a little, and I love pumpkin, ghost, and cute Halloween themed food! Then there is the candy! I think my families favorite Halloween activity though is carving the pumpkins. Being only two weeks out I’m feeling a little inspired from this post and that my oldest wants to have a party so I think I might decorate!

    Liked by 1 person

    • that’s awesome! At least you have a little Halloween surrounding you! The cold can definitely bring a great costume idea to a halt! Or it can be a fun and creative way to making something warm and fun! Pumpkin carving was always a little too messy for me! But I always appreciate those who do take the time and effort to do them so I can admire 😀 Would love to see your Halloween decorations and fun!


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