Lazy Girl Booty Workout

Some days you just don’t feel up to lacing up your shoes and getting up and sweaty. Perhaps you are feeling like this today, on Wednesday. I completely understand! It’s hump day! We’re in the middle of the week now and even though we’ve only gone two to three days in of the week its okay if you are already feeling exhausted from your weekly routine. I confess I myself am feeling super drained already particularly more than usual! This time change has completely thrown me off balance more than I anticipated. I feel so much more tired than usual, pretty much all day long. However, blaming the time change or saying that work or the mass de-cluttering I’ve been doing with my storage unit is tiring me out too much to get a workout in would only be me making excuses. Don’t make excuses! No matter how busy you feel. Get to bed a few minutes early to rise earlier to squeeze it in. Fitness isn’t about perfecting yourself or getting that “hot body.” It’s about being healthy, loving yourself, and making time to take care of you. Don’t cheat yourself!

As I was scrolling through Pinterest (♥) for booty workouts this week, this one in particular pretty much called to me! “Lazy Girl Workout,” that is the winner! So here is this week’s booty focused routine, courtesy of PopSugar. These moves will give you some booty burn, all without having to leave your mat! No standing required! So do this while you are watching T.V. Do this the moment you roll out of bed! Right before you jump in that shower, just do it! Because I know you can!

Check out other great workouts at The Fit Foodie Mama during the Wild Workout Wednesday Link-Up

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How do you like to do your workouts? Videos, Printables with descriptions or images, or both? Fitness classes?

11 thoughts on “Lazy Girl Booty Workout

  1. Lazy does not even begin to describe me when it comes to workouts, but this is great! I can’t wait to get my butt in shape!



  2. So sorry I missed this last week. Things just got so crazy busy I am only just today catching up on what I missed:)
    I smiled at this workout, this is EXACTLY what I need! I was about to head out for a walk, I got home from work and it was beautiful sunny and almost 70, I got online to visit a couple of blogs and while I was sitting here I noticed the winds came out of no where and I am pretty sure a snow storm is on it’s way. I was thinking I would skip the workout, but I could totally do this and visit a blog between each exercise.. LOL I know, I am weird, it’s called blog hop multi tasking.. But I am not kidding I am going to hit submit and start on Bird Dog, 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!!


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